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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 22 문장도 외워야 할텐데 아직 외우지는 않고 발음 연습 위주로 하고 있다. 오늘은 Unit 106에서 110까지! Unit 106 - I felt ill earlier, but I feel much better now. - Don't go by train. It's a lot more expensive. - Could you speak a bit more slowly? - This bag is slightly heavier than the other one. - The problem is far more serious than we thought at first. - I've waited long enough. I'm not waiting any longer. - We expected their apartm.. 2023. 5. 1.
그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 21 놀고만 싶은 토요일과 유닛 100까지 다다른 뿌뜻함이 공존하는 지금이다. 오늘은 Unit 101에서 105까지! Unit 101 - Your English is good. You speak English well. - Sophie is a good pianist. Sophie plays the piano well. - Sophie's father is a well-known writer. - "How are you today?" "I'm very well, thanks." - Darren is a fast runner. Darren can run fast. - It's hard to find a job right now. Kate works hard. - Sorry I'm late. I got up la.. 2023. 4. 30.
그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 20 오늘도 기분 좋게 공부 시작! 화이팅! 아자아자! 오늘은 Unit 96에서 100까지! Unit 96 - Mr Lee, to whom I spoke at the meeting, is interested in our proposal. - Fortunately we had a good map, without which we would have got lost. - Katherine told me she works for a company called 'Latoma', which I'd never heard of before. - Mr Lee, who I spoke to at the meeting, is interested in our proposal. - Helen has three brothers, all.. 2023. 4. 29.
그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 19 1회독을 목표로 오늘도 회화공부 시작합니다. 오늘의 Unit 91에서 95까지! Unit 91 - Each time I see you, you look different. Every time I see you, you look different. - Study each sentence carefully. - There were four bools on the table. Each book was a different colour. - At the beginning of the game, each player has three cards. - Every window in the house was open. - Kate loves reading. She has read every book in the lib.. 2023. 4. 28.
그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 18 오늘도 회화공부 시작! 오늘 Unit 86에서 90까지! Unit 86 - We had to walk home. There was no bus. - Sarah will have no trouble finding a job. - There were no shops open. - No reason was given for the change of plan. - "How much money do you have?" "None." - All the tickets have been sold. There are none left. - This money is all yours. None of it is mine. - I have no luggage. - "How much luggage do you have?" "N.. 2023. 4. 27.