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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 11

by dailystudyingg 2023. 4. 3.


감기에 걸려서 컨디션이 안 좋아 휘리릭 발음 연습했다. 오늘은 Unit 51에서 55까지.





Unit 51

- "Have you locked the door?" "Yes, I have."

- Gary wasn’t working, but Laura was.

- Jessica could lend me the money, but she won’t.

- "Do you like onions?" "Yes, I do."

- "Does Simon live in London?" "He did, but he doesn’t any more."


- "You're sitting in my place." "No, I’m not."

- "You didn’t lock the door before you left." "Yes, I did."

- “I’ve just seen Steven." "Oh, have you? How is he?"

- "Lisa isn't very well today." "Isn’t she? What's wrong with her?"

- "It rained every day during our holiday." "Did it? What a shame!"


- "James and Tanya are getting married." "Are they? Really?"

- “I’m tired." "So am I."

- "I never read newspapers." "Neither do I."

- Sarah can’t drive and neither can Mark.

- I passed the exam and so did Paul.


- "I don't know." "Neither do I." "Nor do I." "I don’t either."

- "Are those people Korean?" "I think so."

- "Is Kate working tomorrow?" "I suppose so."

- "Will you be at home this evening?" "I expect so."

- "Is that woman American?" "I think so. / I don’t think so."

- "Do you think it will rain?" "I hope so. / I hope not."





Unit 52

- "You didn’t lock the door, did you?" "No, I forgot."

- "You’re not going out this morning, are you?" "Yes." "No."

- "It's a nice day, isn’t it?" "Yes, beautiful."

- "Paul doesn’t look well today, does he?" "No, he looks very tired."

- "Lisa's very funny. She’s got a great sense of humour, hasn't she?" "Yes, she has."


- "You haven't seen Kate today, have you?" "No, I haven’t.”

- "You couldn’t do me a favour, could you?" "It depends what it is."

- "You don’t know where Karen is, do you?" "Sorry, I have no idea."

- "Let’s go for a walk, shall we?"

- "Don’t be late, will you?"

- "I'm right, aren’t I?" "Yes, you are."





Unit 53

- I enjoy reading.

- Would you mind closing the door?

- Chris suggested going to the cinema.

- Suddenly everybody stopped talking. There was silence.

- I'll go the shopping when I've finished cleaning the flat.


- He tried to avoid answering my question.

- I don't fancy going out this evening.

- Have you ever considered going to live in another country?

- They said they were innocent. They denied doing anything wrong.

- When I'm on holiday, I enjoy not having to get up early.


- I've given up buying newspapers. I don't read them any more.

- You shouldn't put off telling him what happened. You need to tell him now.

- Katherine doesn't want to retire. She wants to go on working. She wants to carry on working.

- You keep interrupting when I'm talking. You keep on interrupting when I'm talking.

- You can't stop people doing what they want.


- I can't imagine George riding a motorbike.

- Did she really say that? I don't remember her saying that.

- Sorry to keep you waiting so long.

- They admitted having stolen the money.

- They admitted stealing the money.


- I now regret saying that. I now regret having said that.

- They denied they had done anything wrong.

- Chris suggested we go to the cinema.

- I recommend you travel by train.





Unit 54

- It was a long was to walk, so we decided to take a taxi home.

- Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed to help him.

- I waved to Karen, but failed to attract her attention.

- I like Dan, but I think he tends to talk too much.  

- How old were you when you learnt to drive? How old were you when you learnt how to drive?


- We decided not to go out because of the weather.

- I promised not to be late.

- I enjoy reading.

- Andy suggested meeting for coffee.

- Are you thinking of buying a car?


- I didn't dare to tell him. I didn’t dare tell him.

- I daren’t tell him what happened.

- They seem to have plenty of money.

- Ann pretended not to see me when she passed me in the street.

- I pretended to be reading the newspaper.


- Have you seen my keys? I seem to have lost them.

- She claimed not to have seen me.

- Can somebody show me how to use this camera?

- Ask Jack. He’ll tell you what to do.





Unit 55

- We expected to be late. We expected Dan to be late.

- Would you like to go now? Would you like me to go now?

- He doesn't want to know. He doesn’t want anybody to know.

- Do you want me to come with you?

- Can you help me to move this table? Can you help me move this table?


- It's not a nice hotel. I wouldn’t advise you to stay there.

- Can you remind me to call Sam tomorrow?

- Joe said the switch was dangerous and warned me not to touch it.

- I didn’t move the piano by myself. I got somebody to help me.

- Who taught you to drive?


- They don’t allow people to park in front of the building.

- I was warned not to touch the switch.

- Are we allowed to park here?

- Jane suggested that I ask you for advice.

- I made him promise that he wouldn’t tell anybody what happened.


- Hot weather makes me feel tired.

- Her parents wouldn’t let her go out alone.

- Let me carry your bag for you.

- We were made to wait for two hours.






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