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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 13

by dailystudyingg 2023. 4. 22.


컨디션이 다시 좋아져서 다시 마음을 다잡고 그래머인유즈 1회독을 향해 공부 시작합니다. 뒤로 갈수록 문장이 길어서 발음 연습하기가 어렵고 더 많은 연습이 필요하다. 오늘은 Unit 61에서 65까지.





Unit 61

- Paul lives alone. He has lived alone for a long time, so it is not strange for him. He’s used to it. He is used to living alone.

- I bought some new shoes. They felt a little strange at first because I wasn’t used to them.

- Our new apartment is on a busy street. I expect we’ll get used to the noise, but at the moment it's very disturbing.

- Helen has a new job. She has to get up much earlier now than before - at 6:30. She finds this difficult because she isn’t used to getting up so early.

- Katherine's husband is often away from home. She doesn’t mind this. She's used to him being away.


- Lisa is used to driving on the left.

- I’m used to living alone.

- We're not used to the noise. We’re not used to it. We're not used to living here.

- We don’t want to live here.

- I’m used to the weather here.


- I'm used to driving on the left because I’ve lived in Britain a long time.

- I used to drive to work every day, but these days I usually go by bike.

- We used to live just outside the town, but now we live near the centre.





Unit 62

- We talked about the problem.

- I apologised for what I said.

- We talked about going to South America.

- You should apologise for not telling the truth.

- He doesn’t approve of swearing.


- We have decided against moving to London.

- I wouldn’t dream of asking them for money.

- I don’t feel like going out tonight.

- They insisted on paying for the meal.

- Are you looking forward to going away?


- Has Paul succeeded in finding a job yet?

- I’m thinking of/about buying a house.

- I don’t approve of people killing animals as a sport.

- We are all looking forward to Andy coming home next week.

- He accused me of telling lies.


- We congratulated Lisa on winning the first prize.

- What prevented you from coming to see us?

- The rain didn’t stop us from enjoying our holiday.

- Nobody suspected the general of being a spy.

- I thanked everyone for helping me.


- You can't stop me doing what I want. You can’t step me from doing what I want.

- He accused me of not telling the truth.

- We were accused of telling lies. We were accused of lying.

- The general was suspected of being a spy.

- I apologised to them for keeping them waiting.





Unit 63

- There’s no point in having a car if you never use it.

- There was no point in waiting any longer, so we left.

- It’s no use worrying about what happened. There's nothing you can do about it.

- It's no good trying to persuade me. You won’t succeed.

- There’s no point in having a car.


- What 's the point of having a car if you never use it?

- It's nice town. It’s worth spending a few days there.

- Our flight was very early in the morning, so it wasn’t worth going to bed.

- You should spend a couple of days here. It’s worth it.

- We didn't go to bed. It wasn’t worth it.


- It's a great movie. It’s worth seeing.

- Thieves broke into the house, but didn’t take anything. There was nothing worth stealing.

- It's an interesting idea. It’s worth thinking about.

- I had no trouble finding a place to stay.

- Did you have a problem getting a visa?


- People sometimes have difficulty reading my writing.

- He spent hours trying to repair the clock.

- I waste a lot of time doing nothing.

- She said she couldn’t meet me. She was too busy doing other things.

- How often do you go swimming?


- We went skiing last year.

- Tom isn't here. He’s gone shopping.

- I’ve never been sailing.





Unit 64

- I called the restaurant to reserve a table.

- What do you need to make bread?

- We shouted to warn everybody of the danger.

- This letter is to confirm the decisions we made at our meeting last week.

- The president has a team of bodyguards to protect him.


- It’s hard to find a place to park in the city centre.

- Would you like something to eat?

- Do you have much work to do?

- Is there a chair to sit on?

- I get lonely if there’s nobody to talk to.


- I need something to open this bottle with.

- They gave us money to buy food.

- Do you have much opportunity to practise your English?

- I need a few days to think about your proposal.

- We stopped for petrol.


- We stopped to get petrol.

- I had to run for the bus.

- I had to run to catch the bus.

- There weren’t any chairs for us to sit on, so we sat on the floor.

- This brush is for washing the dishes.


- I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

- What is this switch for?

- What did you do that for?

- She’s learning English so that she can study in Canada.

- We moved to London so that we could see our friends more often.


- I hurried so that I wouldn’t be late.

- I hurried so that I wouldn’t be late. I hurried so I wouldn't be late.





Unit 65

- James doesn’t speak clearly. It is hard to understand him. He is hard to understand.

- Do you think it is safe to drink this water? Do you think this water is safe to drink?

- The exam questions were very hard. It was impossible to answer them. They were impossible to answer.

- Nicola has lots of interesting ideas. It’s interesting to talk to her. Nicola is interesting to talk to.

- This is a difficult question to answer.


- It was nice of you to take me to the airport. Thank you very much.

- It’s silly of Ruth to give up her job when she needs the money.

- I think it was unfair of him to criticise me.

- I'm sorry to hear that your mother isn’t well.

- Was Julia surprised to see you?


- It was a long and tiring journey. We were glad to get home.

- The next train to arrive at platform 4 will be the 10:50 to Liverpool.

- Everybody was late except me. I was the only one to arrive on time.

- If I have any more news, you will be the first to know.

- Carla is a very good student. She’s bound to pass the exam.

- It's possible I'll win the lottery one day, but it’s not likely to happen.






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