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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 17

by dailystudyingg 2023. 4. 26.


오늘도 기분 좋게 영어회화 시작! Unit 81에서 85까지!





Unit 81

- Tom’s computer isn't working.

- How old are Chris’s children?

- What's your sister’s name?

- What's Tom's sister’s name?

- Be careful. Don’t step on the cat's tail.


- This isn’t my book. It's my sister's.

- my friend’s mother, the mother of the man we met yesterday

- a woman’s hat, a boy's name, a bird's egg

- my sister’s room, Mr Carter's house

- the men’s changing room, a children's book


- Jack and Karen’s children, Mr and Mrs Carter's house

- the temperature of the water, the name of the book, the owner of the restaurant

- the beginning of the month, the top of the hill, the back of the car

- the government’s decision, the decision of the government, the company's success, the success of the company

- the city’s streets, the world's population, Italy's prime minister


- Do you still have yesterday’s newspaper?

- Next week’s meeting has been cancelled.

- I’ve got a week's holiday starting on Monday.

- Julia has got three week’s holiday.

- I live near the station

- It's only ten minutes’ walk.





Unit 82

- I don’t want you to pay for me. I'll pay for myself.

- Amy had a great holiday. She really enjoyed herself.

- Do you talk to yourself sometimes?

- If you want more to eat, help yourselves.

- Lisa introduced me to the other guests.


- I introduced myself to the other guests.

- I feel nervous. I can’t relax.

- You need to concentrate.

- What time shall we meet tomorrow?

- He got up, washed, shaved and dressed.


- Kate and Joe stood in front of the mirror and looked at themselves.

- Kate looked at Joe, and Joe looked at Kate. They looked at each other.

- How long have you and Ben known each other? How long have you and Ben known one another?

- Sue and Alice don’t like each other. Sue and Alice don't like one another.

- Do they live near each other? Do they live near one another?


- "Who repaired your bike?" "I repaired it myself."

- I’m not going to do your work for you. You can do it yourself.

- Let’s paint the house ourselves. It will be much cheaper.

- The film itself wasn’t very good, but I loved the music.

- I don't think Lisa will get the job she applied for. Lisa doesn’t think so herself. Lisa herself doesn't think so.





Unit 83

- I’m going to a wedding on Saturday. A friend of mine is getting married.

- We went on holiday with some friends of ours.

- Harry had an argument with a neighbour of his.

- It was a good idea of yours to go to the cinema.

- That woman over there is a friend of my sister’s.


- It was a good idea of Tom’s to go to the cinema.

- I don’t want to share a room with anybody. I want my own room.

- Vicky and Gary would like to have their own house.

- It's a shame that the apartment hasn’t got its own parking space.

- It's my own fault that I have no money. I buy too many things I don’t need.


- Why do you want to borrow my car? Why don’t you use your own?

- I’d like to have a room of my own.

- He won’t be able to help you with your problems. He has too many problems of his own.

- Paul usually cuts his own hair. 

- I’d like to have a garden so that I could grow my own vegetables.


- I like living on my own. I like living by myself.

- Some people prefer to live on their own. Some people prefer to live by themselves.

- Jack was sitting on his own in a corner of the cafe. Jack was sitting by himself in a corner of the cafe.

- Did you go on holiday on your own? Did you go on holiday by yourself?





Unit 84

- There’s a new restaurant in Hill Street. 

- I'm sorry I’m late. There was a lot of traffic.

- Things are very expensive now. There has been a big rise in the cost of living.

- We went to the new restaurant. It’s very good.

- I wasn’t expecting her to call me. It was a complete surprise.


- I like this town. There’s a lot to do here. It's an interesting place.

- The house is unoccupied. Theres nobody living there.

- "Is there a flight to Rome tonight?" "There might be. I’ll check online."

- If people drove more carefully, there wouldn’t be so many accidents.

- I could hear music coming from the house. There must have been somebody at home.


- There’s bound to be a cafe somewhere near here.

- They live on a busy road. There must be a lot of noise from the traffic.

- They live on a busy road. It must be very noisy.

- There used to be a cinema here, but it closed a few years ago.

- That building is now a supermarket. It used to be a cinema.


- There’s sure to be a flight to Rome tonight.

- There's flight to Rome tonight, but it’s sure to be full.

- It’s dangerous to walk in the road.

- It didn’t take us long to get here.

- It's a shame that you can’t come to the party.


- It's not worth waiting any longer. Let’s go.

- How far is it from here to the airport?

- It’s a long time since we last saw you.

- It was windy. There was a cold wind.





Unit 85

- We bought some flowers. We didn’t buy any flowers.

- He's busy. He has some work to do. He’s lazy. He never does any work.

- There's somebody at the door. There isn’t anybody at the door.

- I want something to eat. I don’t want anything to eat.

- She went out without any money.


- He refused to eat anything.

- It’s a very easy exam. Hardly anybody fails.

- Are you waiting for somebody?

- Can I have some sugar, please?

- Would you like something to eat?


- Do you have any luggage?

- Is there anybody in the house?

- Let me know if you need anything.

- If anyone has any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.

- I'm sorry for any trouble I’ve caused.


- The police want to speak to anyone who saw the accident.

- You can take any bus. They all go to the centre.

- Come and see me any time you want.

- We forgot to lock the door. Anybody could have come in.

- I’m hungry. I want something to eat. What would you like? I don't mind. Anything.


- Let’s go out somewhere. Where shall we go? Anywhere. I just want to go out.

- Someone is here to see you.

- Someone has forgotten their umbrella.

- If anybody wants to leave early, they can.





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