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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 19

by dailystudyingg 2023. 4. 28.


1회독을 목표로 오늘도 회화공부 시작합니다. 오늘의 Unit 91에서 95까지!





Unit 91

- Each time I see you, you look different. Every time I see you, you look different.

- Study each sentence carefully.

- There were four bools on the table. Each book was a different colour.

- At the beginning of the game, each player has three cards.

- Every window in the house was open.


- Kate loves reading. She has read every book in the library.

- I’d like to visit every country in the world.

- In football, each team has eleven players.

- "How often do you use your car?" "Every day."

- There’s a bus every ten minutes.


- None of the rooms are the same. Each room is different. Each is different. Each one is different.

- Each of the books was a different colour.

- Each of them was a different colour.

- Read each of these sentences carefully.

- She’s read every book in the library.


- "Have you read all these books?" "Yes, every one."

- I’ve read every one of those books.

- I’ve read every one of them.

- The students were each given a book.

- These oranges are 40 pence each.


- Everyone enjoyed the party.

- Sarah is invited to lots of parties and she goes to every one.





Unit 92

- The woman who lives next door to me is a doctor.

- I don’t like people who complain all the time.

- An architect is someone who designs buildings.

- What was the name of the person who called?

- Do you know anyone who wants to buy a car?


- The woman that lives next door to me is a doctor.

- I don't like stories that have unhappy endings. I don’t like stories which have unhappy endings.

- Grace works for a company that makes furniture. Grace works for a company which makes furniture.

- The machine that broke down is working again now. The machine which broke down is working again now.

- I met a Canadian woman at the party. She is an English teacher. I met a Canadian woman who is an English teacher.


- I can’t find the keys. They were on the table. Where are the keys that were on the table?

- What happened was my fault.

- Everything that happened was my fault.

- The machine that broke down is now working again.





Unit 93

- The woman who lives next door to me is a doctor.

- Where are the keys that were on the table?

- The woman who I wanted to see was away on holiday.

- Did you find the keys that you lost?

- The woman I wanted to see was away. The woman who I wanted to see was away.


- Did you find the keys you lost? Did you find the keys that you lost?

- The dress Lisa bought doesn’t fit her very well. The dress that Lisa bought doesn't fit her very well.

- Is there anything I can do? Is there anything that I can do?

- Are these the books you were looking for? Are these the books that/which you were looking for?

- The man I was sitting next to on the plane talked all the time. The man who/that I was sitting next to on the plane. talked all the time.


- Everything that they said was true.

- I gave her all the money that I had.

- What they said was true.





Unit 94

- A window is a woman whose husband is dead.

- I met someone whose brother I went to school with.

- I met a man who knows you.

- I met a man whose sister knows you.

- I have a friend who’s learning Arabic.


- I have a friend who’s just started learning Arabic.

- I have a friend whose sister is learning Arabic.

- George is a person whom I admire very much.

- It’s important to have friends with whom you can relax.

- a person I admire a lot, a person who/that I admire a lot


- friends you can relax with, friends who/that you can relax with

- I recently went back to the town where I grew up.

- The restaurant where we had lunch was near the airport.

- I would like to live in a place where there is plenty of sunshine.

- I can’t meet you on Friday. That's the day I'm going away.


- The last time I saw her, she looked great.

- The last time that I saw her, she looked great.

- The reason I’m calling you is to ask your advice.

- The reason that I’m calling you, The reason why I'm calling you





Unit 95

- The woman who lives next door to me is a doctor.

- Grace works for a company that makes furniture.

- We stayed at the hotel that you recommended.

- We know a lot of people who live in London.

- My brother Ben, who lives in Hong Kong, is an architect.


- Anna told me about her new job, which she’s enjoying a lot.

- We stayed at the Park Hotel, which a friend of ours recommended.

- My brother Ben, who lives in Hong Kong, is an architect.

- Do you know anyone who/that speaks French and Italian?

- Grace works for a company which/that makes furniture.


- We stayed at the hotel that/which you recommended.

- This morning I met somebody who/that I hadn’t seen for ages.

- John, who speaks French and Italian, works as a tour guide.

- Anna told me about her new job, which she’s enjoying a lot.

- We stayed at the Park Hotel, which a friend of ours recommended.


- This morning I met Chris, whom I hadn’t seen for ages.

- We helped some people whose car had broken down.

- What’s the name of the place where you went on holiday?

- Lisa, whose car had broken down, was in a very bad mood.

- Kate has just been to Sweden, where her daughter lives.






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