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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 20

by dailystudyingg 2023. 4. 29.


오늘도 기분 좋게 공부 시작! 화이팅! 아자아자! 오늘은 Unit 96에서 100까지! 





Unit 96

- Mr Lee, to whom I spoke at the meeting, is interested in our proposal.

- Fortunately we had a good map, without which we would have got lost. 

- Katherine told me she works for a company called 'Latoma', which I'd never heard of before.

- Mr Lee, who I spoke to at the meeting, is interested in our proposal.

- Helen has three brothers, all of whom are married.


- They asked me a lot of questions, most of which I couldn't answer.

- Martin tried on three jackets, none of which fitted him.

- Two men, neither of whom I had seen before, came into the office.

- They have three cars, two of which they rarely use.

- Sue has a lot of friends, many of whom she was at school with.


- The house was damaged in a fire, the cause of which was never established.

- We stayed at a beautiful hotel, the name of which I don't remember now.

- Sarah couldn't meet us, which was a shame.

- The weather was good, which we hadn't exprcted.





Unit 97

- Who is the woman talking to Tom?

- Police investigating the crime are looking for three men.

- Who were those people waiting outside?

- I was woken up by a bell ringing.

- The road connecting the two villages is very narrow.


- I have a large room overlooking the garden.

- Can you think of the name of a flower beginning with T?

- The boy injured in the accident was taken to hospital.

- George showed me some pictures painted by his father.

- The gun used in the robbery has been found.


- The police never found the money stolen in the robbery.

- Most of the goods made in this factory are exported.

- There were some children swimming in the river.

- Is there anybody waiting?

- There was a big red car parked outside the house.

- We've eaten nearly all the chocolates. There are only a few left.





Unit 98

- Jane is bored because her job is boring.

- Jane's job is boring, so Jane is bored.

- Paul always talks about the same things. He's really boring.

- My job is boring / interesting / tiring / satisfying / depressing.

- I'm bored with my job.


- I'm not interested in my job any more.

- I get very tired doing my job.

- I'm not satisfied with my job.

- My job makes me depressed.

- Julia thinks politics is interesting.


- Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?

- It was surprising that he passed the exam.

- The movie was disappointing. We expected it to be better.

- The news was shocking.

- Julia is interested in politics.


- Are you interested in buying a car? I'm trying to sell mine.

- Everybody was surprised that he passed the exam.

- We were disappointed with the movie. We expected it to be better.

- I was shocked when I heard the news.





Unit 99

- My brother lives in a nice new house.

- In the kitchen there was a beautiful large round wooden table.

- Be careful!

- I'm tired and I'm getting hungry.

- As the film went on, it became more and more boring.


- Your friend seems very nice.

- You look tired. I feel tired. She sounds tired.

- The dinner smells good.

- This tea tastes a bit strange.

- Drive carefully!


- Suzanne plays the piano very well.

- I didn't enjoy the first two days of the course.

- They'll be away for the next few weeks.





Unit 100

- Our holiday was too short - the time passed very quickly.

- Two people were seriously injured in the accident.

- It was a lovely day.

- Sam is a careful driver.

- We didn't go out because of the heavy rain.


- Sam drove carefully along the narrow road.

- We didn't go out because it was raining heavily.

- She speaks perfect English.

- She speaks English perfectly.

- Please be quiet.


- My exam results were really bad.

- Why do you always look so serious?

- I feel happy.

- Please speak quietly.

- I did really badly in the exam.


- Why do you never take me seriously?

- The children were playing happily.

- It's a reasonably cheap restaurant and the food is extremely good.

- I'm terribly sorry. I didn't mean to push you.

- Maria learns languages incredibly quickly.


- The exam was surprisingly easy.

- Two people were seriously injured in the accident.

- The conference was badly organised.






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