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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 21

by dailystudyingg 2023. 4. 30.


놀고만 싶은 토요일과 유닛 100까지 다다른 뿌뜻함이 공존하는 지금이다. 오늘은 Unit 101에서 105까지! 





Unit 101

- Your English is good. You speak English well.

- Sophie is a good pianist. Sophie plays the piano well.

- Sophie's father is a well-known writer.

- "How are you today?" "I'm very well, thanks."

- Darren is a fast runner. Darren can run fast.


- It's hard to find a job right now. Kate works hard.

- Sorry I'm late. I got up late.

- Have you seen Kate lately?

- Sarah wasn't very friendly at the party. She hardly spoke to me.

- We've only met once or twice. We hardly know each other.


- He tried hard to find a job, but he had no luck.

- I'm not surprised he didn't find a job. He hardly tried.

- We hardly know each other.

- Your writing is terrible. I can hardly read it.

- My leg was hurting. I could hardly walk.


- "How much money do we have?" "Hardly any."

- These two cameras are very similar. There's hardly any difference between them.

- The exam results were bad. Hardly anybody in our class passed.

- She was very quiet. She said hardly anything. She hardly said anything.

- I'm nearly always at home in the evenings. I hardly ever go out.


- It's hardly surprising that you're tired. You haven't slept for three days.

- The situation is serious, but it's hardly a crisis.





Unit 102

- I didn't like the book. The story was so stupid.

- Everything happened so quickly.

- I didn't like the book. It was such a stupid story.

- I like Liz and Joe. They are such nice people.

- I've had a busy day. I'm so tired.


- It's difficult to understand him. He talks so quietly.

- I was so tired that I fell asleep in the armchair.

- I was so tired I fell asleep.

- We had a great trip. We had such a good time.

- You always think good things are going to happen. You're such an optimist.


- It was such nice weather that we spent the whole day on the beach.

- It was such nice weather we spent the whole day on the beach.

- Somebody told me the house was built 100 years ago. I didn't realise it was so old.

- I'm tired because I got up at six. I don't usually get up so early.

- I expected the weather to be cooler. I'm surprised it is so warm.


- I didn't realise it was such an old house.

- You know it's not true. How can you say such a thing?

- You won't find the word 'bild' in the dictionary. These's no such word.

- I haven't seen her for so long I've forgotten what she looks like.

- I haven't seen her for such a long time.


- I didn't know it was so far.

- I didn't know it was such a long way.

- I'm sorry I'm late - there was so much traffic.

- I'm sorry I'm late - there was such a lot of traffic.





Unit 103

- I can't run very far. I'm not fit enough.

- Let's go. We've waited long enough.

- We have enough money. We don't need any more.

- There weren't enough chairs. Some of us had to sit on the floor.

- We don't need more money. We have enough.


- You never stop working. You work too hard.

- You're lazy. You don't work hard enough.

- There's too much furniture in this room. There's not enough space.

- There were too many people and not enough chairs.

- Does Joe have enough experience for the job?


- This bag isn't big enough for all my clothes.

- That shirt is too small for you. You need a larger size.

- Does Joe have enough experience to do the job?

- Let's get a taxi. It's too far to walk home from here.

- She's not old enough to have a driving licence.


- The bridge is just wide enough for two cars to pass one another.

- These boxes are too heavy to carry.

- The wallet was too big to put in my pocket.

- This chair isn't strong enough to stand on.





Unit 104

- I'm surprised you haven't heard of her. She's quite famous. She's pretty famous.

- Anna lives quite near me, so we see each other pretty often.

- We live in quite an old house.

- Sarah has quite a good job. Sarah has a pretty good job.

- I didn't expect to see them. It was quite a surprise.


- There were quite a lot of guests at the wedding.

- I quite like tennis, but it's not my favourite sport.

- The weather isn't so good. It's rather cloudy.

- Paul is rather shy. He doesn’t talk very much.

- These oranges are rather good. Where did you get them?


- My room is fairly big, but I'd prefer a bigger one.

- We see each other fairly often, but not as often as we used to.

- "Are you sure?" "Yes, quite sure."

- She was quite different from what I expected.

- Everything they said was quite true.


- I quite agree with you.

- I don't quite understand what you mean.

- "Are you ready yet?" "Not quite."

- The story is quite interesting.

- The story is quite true.





Unit 105

- It's cheaper to drive than go by train.

- Going by train is more expensive than driving.

- You're older than me.

- The exam was quite easy - easier than I expected.

- Can you walk a bit faster?


- I'd like to have a bigger car.

- Last night I wen t to bad earlier than usual.

- You're more patient than me.

- The exam was quite difficult - more difficult than I expected.

- Can you walk a bit more slowly?


- I'd like to have a more reliable car.

- I don't play tennis much these days. I used to play more often.

- It's too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter? Can we go somewhere more quiet?

- The garden looks better since you tidied it up.

- I know him well - probably better than anybody else knows him.


- "How's your headache? Better?" "No, it's worse." 

- He did very badly in the exam - worse than expected.

- It's a long walk from here to the park - further than I thought.

- Let me know if you hear any further news.






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