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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 23

by dailystudyingg 2023. 5. 2.


오늘도 영어공부 시작! 오늘은 Unit 111에서 115까지!





Unit 111

- It's ten o'clock and Joe is still in bed.

- When I went to bed, Chris was still working. 

- Do you still want to go away or have you changed your mind?

- He has everything he needs, but he's still unhappy.

- Lucy doesn't work here any more. She left last month. Lucy doesn't work here any longer.


- We used to be good friends, but we aren't any more. We used to be good friends, but we aren't any longer.

- Lucy no longer works here.

- We are no longer friends.

- Sally still works here, but Lucy doesn't work here any more.

- It's 10 o'clock and Joe isn't here yet.


- Have you decided what to do yet?

- "Where are you going on holiday?" "We don't know yet."

- Mike lost his job six months ago and is still unemployed. Mike lost his job six months ago and hasn't found another job yet.

- Is it still raining?

- Has it stopped raining yet?


- She said she would be here an hour ago and she still hasn't come.

- I sent him an invitation last week. He hasn't replied yet.

- I sent him an invitation weeks ago and he still hasn't replied.

- "What time is Sue leaving?" "She has already left."

- Shall I tell Joe what happened or does he already know?


- I've just had lunch and I'm already hungry.

- She's already left. She's left already.





Unit 112

- These pictures are really awful. Even I take better pictures than these.

- He always wears a coat, even in hot weather.

- The print was very small. I couldn't read it, even with glasses.

- Nobody would help her, not even her best friend. Not even her best friend would help her.

- Laura has travelled all over the world. She's even been to the Antarctic.


- They are very rich. They even have their own private jet.

- I can't cook. I can't even boil an egg.

- They weren't very friendly to us. They didn't even say hello.

- Jessica is very fit. She's been running quite fast and she's not even out of breath.

- I got up very early, but Jack got up even earlier.


- I knew I didn't have much money, but I have even less than I thought.

- We were very surprised to get an email from her. We were even more surprised when she came to see us a few days later.

- Even though Tina can't drive, she has a car.

- He never shouts, even when he's angry.

- This river is dangerous. It's dangerous to swim in it, even if you're a strong swimmer.


- Even though she can't drive, she has a car.

- I can't reach the shelf even if I stand on a chair.

- It's dangerous to swim here even if you're a strong swimmer.

- The river is dangerous, even for strong swimmers.

- We're going to the beach tomorrow. It doesn't matter what the weather is like. We're going even if the weather is bad.

- We want to go to the beach tomorrow, but we won't go if the weather is bad.





Unit 113

- Although it rained a lot, they had a good time.

- I didn't apply for the job although I had the necessary qualifications.

- We went out although it was raining heavily.

- We didn't go out because it was raining heavily.

- In spite of the rain, we had a good time.


- She wasn't well, but in spite of this she continued working.

- In spite of what I said yesterday, I still love you.

- I didn't apply for the job in spite of having the necessary qualifications.

- She wasn't well, but despite this she continued working.

- I didn't apply for the job in spite of the fact that I had the necessary qualifications.


- We went out in spite of the rain. We went out despite the rain.

- We didn't go out because of the rain.

- Although the traffic was bad, we arrived on time. In spite of the traffic, we arrived on time.

- I could't sleep although I was very tired. I couldn't sleep despite being very tired.

- I didn't apply for the job though I had the necessary qualifications.


- The house isn't so nice. I like the garden though.

- I see them every day. I've never spoken to them though.

- Even though I was really tired, I couldn't sleep.





Unit 114

- I'd better write down my password in case I forget it.

- Shall I draw a map for you in case you have a problem finding our house?

- I'll remind them about the meeting in case they've forgotten.

- I don't think it will rain, but I'll take an umbrella just in case.

- I'll write down my password in case I forget it.


- We'll buy some more food in case Tom comes. We'll buy some more food if Tom comes.

- I'll give you my phone number in case you need to contact me. You can call me in this number if you need to contact me.

- You should insure your bike in case it is stolen. You should inform the police if your bike is stolen.

- I gave him my phone number in case he needed to contact me.

- I drew a map for Sarah in case she had a problem finding our house.


- We rang the doorbell again in case they hadn't heard it the first time.

- In case of fire, please leave the building as quickly as possible.

- In case of emergency, call this number.





Unit 115

- I'll see you tomorrow unless I have to work late.

- There are no buses to the beach. Unless you have a car, it's difficult to get there.

- Shall I tell Lisa what happened? Not unless she asks you.

- Ben hates to complain. He wouldn't complain about something unless it was really bad.

- We can take a taxi to the restaurant - unless you'd prefer to walk.


- Unless we leave now, we'll be late. If we don't leave now, we'll be late.

- You can borrow my car as long as you promise not to drive too fast. You can borrow my car so long as you promise not to drive too fast.

- Travelling by car is convenient provided that you have somewhere to park.

- Travelling by car is convenient providing that you have somewhere to park.

- Providing that the room is clean, I don't mind which hotel we stay at.


- Provided that the room is clean, I don't mind which hotel we stay at.

- I'm not going out unless it stops raining.

-Providing the weather is good, we're going to have a picnic tomorrow.






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