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그래머인유즈 Grammar in use 25

by dailystudyingg 2023. 5. 4.


오늘도 회화공부 시작! 오늘의 Unit 121에서 125까지.





Unit 121

- They arrived at 5 o'clock.

- They arrived on Friday.

- They arrived in June. They arrived in 2012.

- Can we talk later? I'm busy at the moment.

- Kate and I arrived at the same time.


- Will you be here at the weekend? Will you be here on the weekend?

- Do you give each other presents at Christmas?

- I don't like working at night. I was woken up by a noise in the night.

- I'll see you in the morning.

- Do you work in the evenings?


- I'll see you on Friday morning.

- Do you work on Saturday evenings?

- I'll see you next Friday.

- They got married last June.

- I'll see you on Friday. I'll see you Friday.


- I don't work on Monday mornings. I don't work Monday mornings.

- The train will be leaving in a few minutes.

- Andy has gone away. He'll be back in a week.

- They'll be here in a moment.

- I learnt to drive in four weeks.





Unit 122

- The 11:45 train left on time.

- Please be on time. Don't be late.

- The conference was well-organised. Everything began and finished on time.

- Will you be home in time for dinner?

- I sent Amy a birthday present. I hope it arrives in time.


- I'm in a hurry. I want to get home in time to watch the game on TV.

- I got home too late to watch the game on TV.

- We got to the station just in time for our train.

- A child ran into the road in front of the car, but I managed to stop just in time.

- I'm going away at the end of January. I'm going away at the end of the month.


- At the end of the concert, everyone applauded.

- The players shook hands at the end of the game.

- I'm going away at the beginning of January.

- We had a lot of problems with our car. We sold it in the end.

- He got more and more angry. In the end he just walked out of the room.


- Alan couldn't decide where to go for his holidays. He didn't go anywhere in the end.

- At first we didn't get on very well, but in the end we became good friends.





Unit 123

- There's no-one in the room / in the building / in the garden.

- What do you have in your hand? / in your mouth?

- When we were in Italy, we spent a few days in Venice.

- I have a friend who lives in a small village in the mountains.

- There were some people swimming in the pool / in the sea / in the river.


- Who is that man standing at the bus stop / at the door / at the window?

- Turn left at the traffic lights / at the next junction / at the roundabout / at the church.

- We have to get off the bus at the next stop.

- When you leave the hotel, please leave your key at reception.

- There were a lot of people in the shop. It was crowded. Go along this road, then turn left at the shop.


- I'll meet you in the hotel lobby. I'll meet you at the entrance to the hotel.

-  I sat on the floor / on the ground / on the grass / on the beach / on a chair.

- There's a dirty mark on the ceiling / on your nose / on your shirt.

- Did you see the notice on the wall / on the door?

- You'll find details of TV programmes on page seven of the newspaper.


- The hotel is on a small island in the middle of a lake.

- There is some water in the bottle. There is a label on the bottle.

- There is somebody at the door. Shall I go and see who it is? There is a notice on the door. It says 'Do not disturb'.





Unit 124

- When I go to the cinema, I like to sit in the front row.

- Amy works in the sales department.

- Who is the woman in that picture?

- Do you live in a city or in the country?

- It's a lovely day. There isn't a cloud in the sky.


- Do you drive on the left or on the right in your country?

- Our apartment is on the second floor of the building.

- Here's the shopping list. Don't buy anything that's not on the list.

- You'll find the information you need on our website.

- Vienna is on the Danube.


- The town where you live - is it on the coast or is it inland?

- We stopped at a shop on the way home.

- Write your name at the top of the page.

- Jane lives at the other end of the street.

- I was in the back when we had the accident.


- The garden is at the back of the house.

- Let's sit at the front.

- We were at the back, so we couldn't see very well.

- I wrote the date on the back of the photo.

- The TV is in the corner of the room.

- There is a small shop at the corner. There is a small shop on the corner.





Unit 125

- James isn't up yet. He's still in bed.

- Anna's mother is in hospital.

- I'll be at work until 5:30.

- My sister is at university. My brother is still at school.

- I'll be home all evening. I'll be at home all evening.


- Shall we go to a restaurant or eat at home?

- Were there many people at the party / at the meeting / at the wedding?

- I saw Steve at a conference / at a concert on Saturday.

- We went to a concert at the National Concert Hall.

- The meeting took place at the company's head office in Frankfurt.


- There was a robbery at the supermarket.

- I was at Helen's house last night. I was at Helen's last night.

- I was at Helen's last night. It's always cold in Helen's house. The heating doesn't work well.

- We had dinner at the hotel. All the rooms in the hotel have air conditioning.

- There's no need to meet me at the station. I can get a taxi.


- The Louvre is a famous art museum in Paris.

- Sam's parents live in a village in the south of France. 

- Does this train stop at Oxford?

- The bus was very full. There were too many people on it.

- Laura arrived in a taxi.

- Jane passed me on her bike.






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